Get in touch
Questions about your account
Connect direct with the team at Mercer, the Plan’s administration manager, if you have a question about your savings or need to make a change.
Call 0800 697 728 (choose option 1). There’s someone available to take your call from 9.00am until 7.00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
If calling from overseas: +61 3 8306 0961
You can also email your request to
Questions about the Plan’s investments
Call the manager of the Plan, Nick Economu at the Super Plan office, if you have a question about the Plan’s investments.
Call 0800 697 728 (choose option 2). You can also email
Contacting the trustee
Write to the trustee care of Nick Economu at:
New Zealand Post Superannuation Plan
Private Bag 39990
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
If you have a complaint or concernt
Contact the trustee or call Nick Economu on 0800 697 728 (choose option 2). You can write to the trustee at the address above. We will work with you to resolve the issue.
There are options available if the matter is not resolved.
the Financial Markets Authority
Phone 0800 434 566
Postal address PO Box 1179, Wellington 6140
the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman
The Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) provides a free, independent dispute resolution scheme.
Phone 0800 898 202 pr (04) 499 7612
Postal address PO Box 10845, Wellington 6143